Seriously I have no idea where the past three months have gone, they seemed to just fly by like minutes in a day. So much has happened and changed, so I will just give you bullet points of our life in the past three months and what we have been up to. And I SWEAR that I will try and do better with the blogging thing.
-William's 22nd Birthday, we had a birthday party on his birthday and then the following weekend we went paintballing [which is William's new past time now and a ton of fun] and then had a bbq at our house afterwards.
-Easter weekend was packed of fun, Saturday we went and had breakfast with the bunny and then went to a spring festival and then colored eggs and did a hunt. All of which was done with my good friend Kristina Limasa and her to gorgeous children. Then Easter Sunday was very chill.
-Also we started getting out and doing more things as a couple in April, we went bowling and to a few parties [which is so unlike us]
-Then of course there were park days, and zoo days, and just baby play days.
-We started off May with going to see one of my little sister's softball game and the Spring Fling festival.
-Then there was mini-golf, iron man 2 midnight showing, a day at the lake, paintballing again, Dylan's t-ball, and then the dreaded FINALS.
-Along with that we also had park days, zoo days, and just baby play days. :]
-There was a visit with the Diaz's [aka my dad], some more parties, and seeing WICKED.
-We have been house sitting a lot.....which is like playing house.
-Also this month William got into his apprenticeship, we are only a week in, but as a whole it is really great. [even if that means I have to go out and do installs now]
-We went camping at Collins Lake.
-And don't forget the park days, zoo days, and just baby play dates.
Our life has seemed to finally have fallen into place. The wedding plans are coming along nicely and we actually have the money to pay for it. The install company is making it through with out William our main installer, with the help of friends and with me actually using my muscles. And the apprenticeship has made the rest of our lives possible, after waiting over a year we are really ready for things to start changing. I feel that with all this 2011 could be a great year for a house and possible a new baby. Well and not to mention me getting my AA!! Fingers Crossed
Tell me about it. I am glad you have too, you make my down time a LOT more fun. :]